The majority of her artistic creations comprise sculptures of young girls at the cusp of adolescence or just before it, depicted in a way that suggests a sense of voyeurism. It's essential to note that the portrayal of young girls either nude or partially clothed is not unique to Salkhor. In fact, this practice of utilizing young girls as subjects and featuring them in artworks is a common practice among many renowned artists. Fatemeh Salkhor's sculptures display an array of clay varieties, ranging from rugged and textured clay known for their strength, to smooth and delicate earthenware and slips that give a realistic flesh-like appearance. Some parts are coated with glaze to give a glossy finish, while others are left bare to highlight the natural earthy tones and emphasize the creative process behind the piece. Salkhor's artistic style draws heavily from religious symbolism, revealing her profound admiration for nature. Her work serves as a testament to the beauty and the intricate interconnectedness of all living things within our shared environment.Solo Exhibition
2024 - Colored Maze - Shamis GalleyGroup Exhibition
2024 - plasticity/Artibition online.2024 - Out Of Box/Shamis Gallery.
2023 - Out Of Home/Javid Gallery.
2022 - Transition/Iranian Artists forum.
2022 - Our Dream/Our Dream/Qazvin