He often reflects on his upbringing, shaped by a dichotomy between school, where he studied Miniature, Math, and Tazhib (Illuminated Manuscript), and home, where he indulged in comic books and MTV. Despite conflicting cultural influences, he embraced the forbidden allure of Western media, cultivating a sense of rebelliousness and self-acceptance. His childhood filled with shows like Beavis and Butt-Head forged a path toward artistic expression as a means of venting suppressed emotions.
Through graffiti and rap music, he began his artistic odyssey, gradually expanding into designing album covers and posters. His first exhibition at the age of 12, featuring drawings influenced by a multitude of global cultures, marked the beginning of his divergence from traditional Iranian art. Co-founding "Eastern Whistle" with peers, he sought to amplify his generation's voice, sparking discussions and challenging established norms. Though met with criticism, "Eastern Whistle" laid the groundwork for the Iranian Punk Movement, a testament to his enduring impact on the country's artistic landscape.