Arsia`s art is not new. Essentially it is about a faithfulness to painting, something that gives his introverted expressionism aspects of extroversion. This graduate of agricultural engineering refers to an aspect of art that has often been ignored in contemporary Iranian art.
His aim is to unify morphology and concept, whether depicting his aunt and uncle`s houses, grandmother`s funeral, the trip to the north, or the lovers face. Through the interview the reader will see that Arsia begins and continues his work with the energy and fluidity of nostalgia. He recreates memories in order to experiment with the capacity of the mind for recording reality. In most of Aria`s work an unusual- but not terrifying- thig is about to happen. It is as if an accident has taken place just a few moments ago, which gives Arsia`s work an organic essence. His work is like an organism that lives through unexpected incidents. Events (accidents)in his paintings refers to an unstable psychological condition, which is something that Arsia`s frustrations, solitude and state of crisis: a bride and groom about to come face to face with a lion in a few seconds, or a car without breaks heading straight toward a beauty shop.